LONDON: August 2019

Resources for Resilience: A Workshop for Frontline Workers

Friday 23rd August - 9.30am - 4pm

Since forming in 2016 the project has supported women and children who are penalised by the hostile environment, giving them the opportunity to connect with nature and themselves. You can see a short film about the work we do via this link.

This year, in recognition of the wider implications of the hostile environment, we are branching out to support frontline workers - whose time and energy goes in to supporting those the government seeks to intimidate and isolate. 

In this bespoke one-day workshop, we will bring together frontline workers in a beautiful outdoor setting. We will make connections, share experiences, and build resilience, to support and continue the vital work that frontline workers do. 

Nature Connection.jpg

Come along for a day of :

  • Building personal resilience for those delivering frontline support work

  • Connecting with other frontline workers - linking to networks of support and shared experience

  • Celebrating and reflecting on the work that is being done: it’s successes and challenges

  • Reconnecting with the motivation and drive which draws us into this work

  • Appreciating and enjoying time in the outdoors


Event Fees:

Organisations with income to support lower income groups: Event fee: £125

Organisations with an annual income of under £50,000 - Event fee: £75 

Organisations with an annual income of under £20,000 - Event fee: £50

Organisations with an annual income of under £10,000 - Event fee: £25

Organisations with an annual income of under £5,000 - Event fee

Please contact us if finance is a barrier to your attendance.

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